
I’m a blogger + writer living outside of Minneapolis and struggling to figure out the bus system. Always up for a slice of (or a whole) pizza, and I’m a firm believer that breakfast will always be the far superior meal of every day.

When I’m not attempting to write, you can find me checking out different Twin Cities coffee shops, eating (always), Netflix and Eat (like Netflix and chill, but better), checking out local bookstores, shopping at Papersource because I have an addiction, and attempting to hike/walk around the many Twin Cities parks and getting lost.

I also parked on a piece of pizza once, and I still feel bad about it. #NeverForget

None of the above information matters (except for the pizza, that will ALWAYS MATTER). All you really need to know is that I’m a single cat mom and it’s just as amazing as it sounds. Meet Murphy: